
How to make custom koukou gurashi character
How to make custom koukou gurashi character

how to make custom koukou gurashi character

The voice option names were changed simply to: "Female #1", "Male", and "Female #2". "super-duper", "maximum", and "mega" were added to the lingo words for "Very". The player character's bedroom now has a carpet texture. Now there are 12 possibilities and words like "sexy", "hot", and "exciting" are only used if they lust for the character they're talking about while other words like "cute", "delightful", and "lovely" are used if they love them. For a while now there has a been "blank" in dialogue that would get replaced with "cute", "sexy", or "handsome" when talking about crushes. The dialogue and character name font was changed so it can now display Japanese characters and a few other symbols correctly. Other languages will not be implemented until most of the game is finalized. It's more of a test so it won't be as hard to fully implement other languages in the future. It only changes a very small percentage of text in menus. Cold showers now only reduce Depression if Hygiene isn't very high. Character's with low Hygiene gain Depression slowly over time. Taking a shower sets a characters Hygiene back to max. A character having low Hygiene is indicated with flies buzzing around them. Falling on the ground, performing running-slides, getting trashbinned, reduces Hygiene by different amounts. Hygiene decreases very slowly over time and decreases at a faster rate when running.

how to make custom koukou gurashi character

Character's now have a hidden Hygiene value. Some of the text is different and some of the buttons are different sizes and colours. Only customization options that apply to the outfit your character is wearing are shown when customizing your character's appearance. To sit down you just need to be close to a bench or couch and press CTRL or C. Students can now sit on benches and the couch that can be found in Building A. There's a new ahoge option called "Long Strands". NexTone made the morning theme that was added in the last update twice as long. There's a new voice done by MS KIRA Visualz. I modified the hair of the "Aoi School Girl" asset from the Unity Asset Store to make the "Bijin" hair. One is called "Messy #2" and one is called "Bijin". This update took longer then expected due to personal issues but here it is.

How to make custom koukou gurashi character